As part of the process of setting up this blog, the fabulous
Cassandra Rae (who helped me create it), had me do some pre-work which included looking at blogs I liked, and sharing what appealed to me about them. One of the consistent themes was their photographs, and so she set me a homework assignment to go on a Photo Expedition. Admittedly, I had ideas of driving to Santa Cruz and photography the beach, or going to Atherton and capturing beautiful homes and gardens, but those would have to wait for another day, as today I only had time to wander around my own back yard and photograph what I saw. It was nice to get outside though - it reminds me of how much time I spend inside and how I really do enjoy the time I spend out in the garden.
These are four of my favorite photographs, they each give me a sense of amazement about nature, pride because I grew them and/or nurtured them and a reminder that small amounts of effort can lead to beautiful rewards. Here is what I saw...
..I have three different colored bougainvillea, but this is by far my favorite color. Most other people like the more orange version, but there is something about this red that just makes me come smile at it's boldness.

This is a lettuce I grew from a hydroponic one that I bought at the grocery store, ate and then saved the core (is that the right term??) I watered it and put it in the sun inside until it started to get new leaves and then I planted it outside, and so far the squirrels, snails and birds all seem to have stayed away from it, so I can pick a few leaves for dinner next week.

Last year, I decided to follow my Dad's tradition and I grew my own tomatoes. I grew a big red variety and a cherry tomato variety. This year when I went to the garden store, they didn't have the same varieties in stock so on the recommendation of one of their gardeners I went with two new kinds. While I don't love the flavors as much as last year, my little cherry tomato plant has produced prolifically and it is still going, here are two little ones ready to be picked and eaten...

And last, but definitely not least, my amazing lemon tree. I can't stay I planted this one, but I have nurtured it over the last three years and it has responded in kindness. I have a following with these lemons, so much so, that a friend sends boxes of them to her father in Virginia! Others juice and drink them every morning. My husband and I have enjoyed them in drinks, on food, zested, sliced, squeezed and diced, but perhaps our favorite was our very own version of a lemon drop straight from the tree. I consider myself a guardian of this tree until we sell this house and the next owners take over. It gives me tremendous pleasure and I look out of my office window at it every day.

Here's to you, your garden and that amazing thing called nature!
1 comment:
Oh I love your garden and your photos! Thank you so much for sharing about your photo expedition. I hope you go on many, many more.
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