Wednesday, July 1, 2009

On hold for a while

Well, it happened, despite my best intentions and reminders every day in my calendar, I let my blog entries lapse. It didn't mean I didn't think about them EVERY day, and move around the time slots I had allocated to write, to some other time, and yet, I just somehow didn't get here. I have had lots of ideas, jotted down notes, written them in my head and yet my fingers didn't reach the keyboard.

So, rather than continue to beat myself up about what I am clearly NOT doing, I thought it wise to declare that I am putting this blog on hold for the summer. I have much to say on how I have been shaping my reality and perhaps ideas on how you can shape yours. By making this declaration I am wanting to be responsible for my 'disappearance' - at least for the next few months. I am going to be taking care of matters 'behind the scenes' and I hope, from the bottom of my heart that this gives me the room to launch fully back into writing on this blog 5 days a week. I hope it strengths my resolve, creates clarity in my mind and brings me back to the joy of writing and sharing. Even as I write this, I know it to be true.

May you have a summer that reflects where you are, and what you need, at this moment in time.

I look forward to reconnecting soon.



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