Friday, October 10, 2008

Enriching your soul

One of my absolute favorite places to be, in the entire world, is at the ocean.  Whether I am high up on a cliff looking down or standing on the beach with the sands between my toes, I am at my happiest.  My soul is enriched in ways that few other places have the same affect.  I am warmed down to the depths of my core, and it doesn't even have to be a sunny day.  In fact, I love the stormy weather along the Northern California coastline where I can witness mother nature as she pounds the waves into the cliffs below me.  I can watch for hours mesmerized by constant motion of the water.  I am in awe of how small I seem against the power of the water. Equally, I love to hear the horns blaring while I am shrouded in fog and can hear the water lapping quietly at the edge of the beach.  Yes, there is something about the ocean that has a magnetic pull on me, that when I honor leaves me feeling humble and fulfilled at the same time.

Where is your soul enriched?


Photo: The Pacific Ocean from Santa Cruz beach, October 2006

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